Authors are invited to submit applied and theoretical papers in all areas of economics of education for presentation at the XIX Meeting of the Economics of Education Association. There is a limitation of two papers submitted by author.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Efficiency and Equity
- School finance. Funding and management of higher education
- Quality education indicators
- Labour market and school to work transition
- Lifelong education and vocational training
- Education and gender issues
- Immigration and education
- Economic impact of education and returns to education
- Human capital and economic growth
- Education and economic development
- Educational demand and school choice
- Educational market, competition and public policy
- Information and communication technologies (ICT) in education
- European space for higher education
- Entrepreneurship and educational institutions
- Economic geography, urban studies and education
- Dropout of school decisions
- Methodological issues
Abstracts and papers must be electronically submitted through the web application at:
Submission deadlines:
- Abstracts: February 22nd, 2010.
- Full papers: May 3rd, 2010.
Instructions for authors:
- Abstract: No more than 300 words
- Type of file: editable format such as .odt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .tex
- File size: No more than 2.5MB
- Maximum length: 20 pages
- Paper size: A-4
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 11pt
- Line spacing: 1.5 spaced
- Margins: Top 3 cm., Bottom 2 cm., Left 3.5 cm., Right 2.5 cm., Header 2 cm., Footer 1.5 cm.
Templates in diferent formats are available for this conference. Select the template that is most suitable for your operating system:
- Word XP 2003: AEDE conference template Word XP 2003
- Word XP 2007: AEDE conference template Word XP 2007
- OpenOffice: AEDE conference template OpenOffice
- RTF: AEDE conference template rtf
A scientific committee will select the papers for the conference. Decisions will be notified no later than March 8th 2010, for abstracts, and June 1st 2010, for full papers (or 3 weeks since full paper submission). You are requested to contact us at in case you did not receive this notification by email.
Accepted papers will only be included in the final programme and conference book if presenters have registered by June 30th, 2010.